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Greetings  to  all, 

In  my  first  article  as  president  of  our  club,  1  stated 
that  1  had  some  big  shoes  to  fill  as  president  and 
that  1  would  follow  up  with  more  about  past  presi¬ 

As  you  probably  know,  1ASAC  was  founded  in 
1985  Ed  Lantz  was  named  the  first  president  (1985-1986).  At  the  club’s 
second  convention  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  Will  Rossman  was  elected.  Thirty- 
three  ballots  were  cast  and  the  election  was  certified  by  Charlie  Diehl  and 
Ed  Lantz.  Duane  Spellman  was  elected  club  histonan. 

The  return  address  for  the  bugle  moved  from  Colorado  (Will  Rossman) 
to  Canoga  Park,  California  in  1987  (Duane  Spellman).  Duane  was  editor 
until  his  death  July  25,  2002.  Nancy  Yee  was  appointed  editor  by  the  club 
officers  following  Duane’s  demise  and  has  done  all  coordination  of  the 
publication  since  1989  Therefore,  she  was  the  logical  one  to  have  the  title 
and  responsibility.  You  must  agree  she  does  an  excellent  job. 

In  the  January  1988  issue,  Will  Rossman  resigned  as  of  December  31 , 
1987,  to  give  full  attention  to  his  ANA  job.  Duane  Spellman  basically  ran 
the  club  until  the  fall  of  1989,  when  Steve  Rood  came  on  board  as  presi¬ 
dent  at  the  Denver  convention.  Steve  served  until  1995  as  president  He 
has  been  the  longest  serving  president  to  date  in  continuous  years. 

Jim  Best  served  until  1997.  Michelle  Burke  became  president  until 
2001 .  Dougjennings  served  from  2001  until  he  decided  not  to  run  for  re- 
election  in  2003.  Jim  Best  was  elected  at  the  Denver  convention  in  2003. 

When  I  was  asked  to  run,  1  was  told  that  most  of  the  work  was  done 
by  our  seccretary/treasurer,  Nancy  1  think  all  past  presidents  will  agree 
that  she  is  the  glue  that  keeps  the  Bugle  thriving  -  thanks,  Nancy 

1  was  elected  to  serve  as  president  in  2005  and  as  you  can  see,  I  have 
some  big  heavy-hitters  to  look  back  on  and  try  to  emulate  And  thanks 
again  to  Nancy  for  putting  the  above  information  in  chronological  order 
for  me. 

Don’t  forget  the  Tucson  meeting  (October  27-29)  and  gel  your  order  in 
for  our  club  round. 



Archie  Kidd 

alphapnntingl@insighibb  com 



It  has  been  a  fairly  relaxing  summer,  with  lots  of  sunshine,  swimming 
and  baseball.  We  ‘endured’  a  trip  to  Honolulu  in  June,  and  have  been 
tracking  our  daughter  and  a  friend  as  they  trek  across  Europe  We’re 
anxious  to  have  them  back  home  to  hear  about  many  exciting  adventures, 
including  the  World  Cup  in  Berlin,  Lake  Lucerne,  Florence,  the  Amalfi 
coast,  Rome,  Pans,  Amsterdam,  &  London!  Sounds  wonderful,  but  1 
don't  know  if  Ld  still  be  willing  to  do  it  with  a  backpack!! 

Steve  Album  and  I  have  been  bantering  back  and  forth  on  email  about 
the  weather.  He  survived  a  long  string  of  days  of  100+  degree  weather 
without  air  conditioning,  while  1  was  complaining  of  90+  degrees  for 
four-five  days  Made  me  sound  like  a  wimp!  Sitting  in  my  stuffy  office, 
trying  to  get  this  Bugle  out. 

Plans  for  our  meeting  in  Tucson  are  set.  Well  meet  at  10am  on 
Saturday,  October  28  in  the  Agate  Suite,  adjacent  to  the  Copper 
Ballroom  at  the  Tucson  Convention  Center.  The  street  address  is  260  S. 
Church  Avenue.  The  Hotel  Arizona  (520-624-871 1 )  is  hosting  the  event, 
with  special  rates  for  the  coin  show  at  $79/night.  Also  nearby  is  the 
Clarion  Hotel  &  Suites  (520-622-1 120). 

Our  2006  club  round  is  selling  very  well  Thanks  to  the  press  release  sent 
to  the  trade  papers,  we  have  garnered  a  fair  number  of  orders.  Please  get 
yours  in  soon,  if  you’d  like  to  have  your  club  number  on  your  round 
The  final  order  will  be  sent  to  SilverTowne  in  the  next  couple  of  weeks. 

I’m  sure  you  wouldn’t  want  to  miss  this  particular  issue  in  your 
collection  It’s  a  real  beauty !  Thanks  again  to  Daniel  Carr  for  his 
wonderful  design. 

1  have  nominated  Michelle  &  Garrett  Burke  for  the  Duane  Spellman 
Award  Michelle  is  a  super  cheerleader  for  the  club,  and  has  served  as 
club  President  Garrett  has  designed  and  printed  numerous  club 
brochures,  updating  the  round  &  bar  listing  on  a  yearly  basis.  He  has 
gladly  donated  his  time  and  skill  to  this  endeavor  For  this  reason,  1 

_ _ _ J 


think  they  should  be  considered  for  this  award.  If  anyone  else  has  a 
nomination,  please  send  it  to  Archie  Kidd  or  Harvey  Chew  at  the  club 
address  no  later  than  September  1. 

I  deleted  sixteen  members  for  non-payment  of  dues.  After  three  letters,  1 
guess  it's  time  to  give  up  on  them.  Their  names  were  listed  in  the  last 
issue,  and  one  person  was  left  off  the  list.  Please  remove  Pam  Martin 

One  name  I'd  have  preferred  not  to  remove  was  Vi  Asher's.  I  met  her 
and  Phil  at  the  Sacramento  show  in  2000.  They  have  done  so  much  to 
promote  the  club,  and  brought  in  many  new  members,  including  most  of 
our  international  ones.  Vi  struggled  with  cancer,  and  simply  didn’t  make 
it.  I’ve  sent  condolences  to  Phil  on  behalf  of  tire  club,  and  if  any  of  you 
would  like  to  send  a  card.  I’ll  forward  them  on  to  Phil 

Brain  Teasers  is  on  vacation.  We’re  plumb  out  of  prizes1  Anyone 
willing  to  donate  will  be  heartily  thanked  in  upcoming  issues  of  this 

Enjoy  the  rest  of  your  summer  &  keep  cool! 

Hope  to  see  many  of  you  in  Tucson!  comcast  net 

Price  of  Silver  Contest  Winners  Announced!  ~ 

Trustee  Tom  Clark  had  a  great  idea  last  winter  He  donated  two  silver 
bars  to  whoever  would  correctly  predict  the  price  of  silver  at  the  close  of 
business  on  June  30,  2006.  We  had  quite  a  few  guesses,  and  it  was  made 
even  more  interesting  by  the  wild  fluctuation  in  precious  metal  pnces. 
Predictions  ranged  from  a  low  of  $8  32  to  a  high  of  $37.50  On  June  30, 
Tom  checked  with  several  sources  and  closing  pnces  were  $10.83  & 
$10.97.  Club  member  Mike  Zielinkski  came  closest  with  a  prediction  of 
S 1 0.42  and  Ron  Webster  was  runner-up  with  a  guess  of  $10.23.  Their 
prizes  were  in  the  mail  several  weeks  ago.  Thanks  to  everyone  who 
participated  in  this  fun  contest,  including  Chuck  Luce,  Lynnae  Clark, 
Laila  Taavola,  Phyllis  &  Wayne  damn,  Stephanie  O’Neil  &  Vemon 


^  Do  Serial-Numbered  Bars  Denote  Low  Mintage? 

By  Stephanie  O’Neil,  club  histonan 

We  read  about  serial-numbered  bars  and  the  role  they  play  or  do  not  play 
regarding  high  volume  R-5  bars 

What  about  serial-numbered  bars  with  low  mintages'7  Are  most  low  mintage 
bars  serial-numbered  or  do  most  serial-numbered  bars  have  low  mintage9  The 
answers  are  shown  in  numbers* 1 

The  following  chart  is  a  comparison  by  breakdown  of  the  number  of  bars  with 
low  mintage  -  both  serial-numbered  and  non  serial -numbered,  and  the  total 
number  ot  bars  with  or  without  serial-numbering  Look  at  the  ratio 

Mintage _ 

i  -  200 
201  -500 
501  -  1000 
2001  -2500 

Total  number  of 
Serial  #d  &  Non 

Serial  #d  Bars 

Non  Serial  #d  Bars 

Serial  #d  Bars 
















Total  886  650 

No  Mintage  listed  5 1 3  2225 



I  decided  to  count  the  number  of  bars  with  a  mintage  of  over  2500,  both  serial- 
numbered  and  non  serial-numbered  Look  at  this  breakdown 
There  are  1557  serial-numbered  bars  with  a  mintage  of  over  2500  There  are 
y420  non  serial-numbered  bars  with  a  mintage  of  over  2500 

As  you  can  see,  there  are  more  serial-numbered  bars  than  non-serial  numbered 
ones  with  mintages  of  fewer  than  2500,  with  the  highest  amount  of  serial- 
numbered  bars  having  the  lowest  mintage  (1-200) 


f  The  total  number  of  all  serial-numbered  bars  listed  is  2936  Of  those,  2423  are'N 

listed  with  a  mintage  and  513  are  not 

Mintage _ Serial-numbered' _ Non  Serial-numbered 

1  -2500 



2501  &  up 



Total  #  of  Mintage 



^ 1070 

Bars  without  Mintage 



^  2225 




In  doing  this  research,  1  stumbled  on  a  few  other  interesting  facts 

Madison  Mint  produced  562  bars  from  1972  to  1991  Of  those  bars,  only  15 
were  serial-numbered  SilverTowne  minted  171  bars  from  1973  to  1991  Of 
those,  only  4  bars  were  serial-numbered 

There  is  a  lot  of  fun  in  numbers  as  numbers  can  provide  a  different  way  of 
looking  at  our  treasured  art  bar  collections' 

Great  Silver  CSNA  Medal  Find  at  June  2006 
Long  Beach  Show 

By  Don  Barsi,  I  AS  AC  #  060 

After  amving  at  the  Long  Beach  Coin  Show  on  June  1,  2006,  I  quickly  traveled 
around  the  coin  show  looking  for  Medals  and  Tokens  I  had  already  looked  at  a 
nice  CSNA  (California  State  Numismatic  Assn  )  medal  group  which  a  dealer 
had  saved  for  me  to  purchase  Then  1  found  a  1964-sterling-  925  fine,  40mm 
CSNA  medal  which  had  serial  number  6  This  medal  even  had  a  pedigree  to 
Kenneth  W  Lee,  who  wrote  the  first  work  on  California  Fractional  Gold  In  the 
little  plastic  box  which  held  this  rare  coin  club  medal,  was  a  note  from  Lee 
saying  that  serial-number  6  was  given  to  him  by  General  Chairman  Herb 
Bergen  at  the  coin  show  held  at  Disneyland  in  Anaheim,  CA,  October  22-25, 

This  is  the  rarest  of  all  the  silver  CSNA  medals  in  the  series  which  started  in 
1964  Bill  Wislead  was  the  medal  chairman  and  he  had  sold  35  medals,  and  had 
15  medals  left  to  sell  later,  but  someone  burglarized  his  home  and  stole  all  the 
rest  of  these  15  medals  1  was  able  to  obtain  a  stolen  one  at  the  Santa  Clara 
Expos  Show  some  time  ago  The  printed  side  had  been  planed  off  and  the  serial 
number  was  etched,  but  could  be  removed  The  ‘sterling  silver'  notation  was 
also  missing  Now,  1  have  both  varieties  to  add  to  my  silver  CSNA  collection 
V  What  a  Great  Find1  ^ 


New  Issues 

The  Cuban  Numismatic  Association  has  released  a  one-ounce  silver 
commemorative  marking  the  founding  of  the  club  on  Jan.  9,  2004.  The 
38mm  round,  struck  by  Silver  Towne  sells  for  $20,  plus  $2.50  shipping 
&  handling  per  item.  For  more  information,  or  to  order  rounds,  contact 
Frank  Putrow,  2175  Oak  Grove  Dr.,  Clearwater  FL  33764,  or  call  (727) 
531-7337  His  email  address 

The  Liberty  Numismatic  Society  is  offering 
its  2006  medal  for  sale  that  commemorates 
the  bicentennial  of  Lewis  &  Clark  and  the 
Corps  of  Discovery,  spending  the  winter 
along  the  Pacific  Coast  in  1805-06.  The 
medal  is  available  in  both  silver  and 
antiqued  bronze.  The  round  features  a 
depiction  of  Fort  Clatsop  at  the  base  of 
the  Columbia  River  in  Oregon  on  the 
reverse.  The  obverse  depicts  the  LNS 
Liberty  Bell  logo.  Both  versions  are  39mm. 
and  the  silver  is  serial-numbered  on  the  edge. 

The  medal  was  designed  by  LNS  club  member 
Gene  Hoy.  The  silver  round  has  a  mintage  of  less  than 
100  available  for  $25,  plus  $1.25  postage.  The  antiqued  bronze  version 
has  a  mintage  of  65  and  is  available  for  $7.50  plus  $  1 .25  postage.  Send 
checks  to  LNS,  P.O.  Box  300,  Millbrae  CA  94030-0300. 




New  Issues 


Four  masterpieces  of  Australian  art  appear  on  commemorative  .9999  fine 
silver  proof  $5  coins  from  the  Royal  Australian  Mint.  Produced  in 
coordination  with  the  New  South  Wales  Art  Gallery,  the  Australian 
National  Gallery  and  the  authorized  copyright  holders  of  the  original 
artwork,  this  set  is  first  in  a  two-part  series  that  pays  tribute  to  some  of 
Australia’s  most  treasured  comtemporary  artists  and  works  of  art.  Four 
paintings  were  chosen  following  extensive  consultation  and  research 
fhe  works  are  The  drover  s  wife  by  Russell  Drysdale,  Hurke  and  Wills 
Expedition  by  Sidney  Nolan,  Keswick  siding  by  Jeffrey  Smart  and  Self 
portrait  in  the  studio  by  Brett  Whiteley.  fhe  obverse  of  each  com  bears 
the  lan  Rank-Broadley  effigy  of  Queen  Elizabeth  II.  The  set  costs  $155 
from  distributor  Royal  Scandinavian  Mint  For  more  information,  visit 
their  website  at  www  You  may  also  telephone  the  firm 
toll-free  at  (877)  552-6468  or  write  to  P  O  Box  3690,  Salt  Lake  City  UT 


/T  reasury  Update 

Previous  Balance 



New  memberships/renewals 

$  165.00 

2006  Round  sales 




Cash  donations 

1 5.00 

$  2909.40 



$  318.70 

Printing.  June  Bugle  &  letterhead 


Office  supplies 


Miscellaneous  expenses,  1-17-06  to  6-15-06 


$  798.15 

New  Balance 


Thank  you  to  Archie  kidd  and  Don  Eubanks  for  their  recent  donations 
of  cash  and  stamps. 

WELCOME  to  new  members: 

616  Melinda  Sykes  (Jackson) 



Brenda  McMillen  (Sprouse) 



D.  (.rant  Wylie  (Sprouse) 



Jeff  D.  Carter  (Yee/Numismatic  News) 



Randall  Guberman  (Coin  World) 



Carol  P.  Raynor  (Sprouse) 



William  A.  Doty  (Sprouse) 


We  are  mailing  188  copies  of  this  issue.  Membership  in  1ASAC  is  $20 
($30  foreign)  with  renewal  at  $15  ($20  foreign)  payable  in  January  every 
year.  Please  send  renewals  with  a  self-addressed  stamped  envelope  if 
you  would  like  a  new  membership  card.  Mail  to  P  O.  Box  28415,  Seattle 
W  A  98 1 1 8-84 15.  Include  your  FRF.F.  25-word  classified  ad.  The  next 
deadline  for  advertisements  is  September  10,  2006. 


To  attend  the  2006  IASAC  convention  in  Tucson,  Arizona 
On  Saturday,  October  28  at  10a in 
In  the  Agate  Suite  adjacent  to  the  Copper  Ballroom 
Tucson  Convention  Center 

^  RSVP  to  Nancy  Vee  @  P.O.  Bov  28415,  Seattle  \V A  981 18-8415  J 

2006  I  AS  AC  Round  Order  Form 



Address _ 

City/State/ZIP+4 _ 

Phone  _  _  Email 

Quantity  Total 

_  Fnanulcd,  serial-numbered  round(s)  @  $50  each  _ 

_  Serial-numbered  .999  fine  silver  round! s)  u  525  each  _ 

_  Bron/c  roundO),  no  sc  rial- number  a  $6  each 

Postage  &  insurance:  Add  54  for  one  or  rwo  items, 

$5  for  three  or  more  _ 

I  vi  ill  pick  up  my  round!  s>  at  the  convention  in 

Tucson  (no  postage  required)  _ 

To  guaraniee  availability,  orders  MI  ST  BE  RECEIVED  no  later  lhan 

August  15,  2006.  IASAC  members  have  first  priority  for  their  club 
numbers  until  this  dale.  All  orders  w  ill  be  shipped  at  the  time  of  the  club 
meeting  in  Tucson,  Arizona. 

Mail  this  form  w  ith  payment  to  P.O.  Box  28415,  Seattle  \\  A  981 1 8-8415. 





/ - 

From  the 

Editor’s  Mailbag 

We  receive  comments,  questions  and 
friendly  greetings  from  members  and 
others.  Here  is  a  sampling  of  these 

Tom  Clark  writes,  “Our  October  club  meeting  will  be  here  in  a  few  months  I 
still  don’t  know  if  1  will  make  it  to  Tucson  or  not  1  added  MEM-The  Twelve 
Days  of  Christmas  tringot  tree  to  my  collection  It  was  the  first  silver  bar 
purchase  in  over  two  years  for  me  ” 

Glenn  Perry  writes,  “I  am  planning  on  attending  our  convention  in  Tucson,  so 
hope  to  see  you  there  " 

Glenn  recently  won  a  Brain  Teaser  contest,  also  notes,  "Thank  you  for  the 
round  I  did  not  have  an  Easter  round  like  that  I  found  another  word  in  the 
puzzle  It  tells  of  the  enjoyment  one  gets  doing  these  It’s  FUN 
Thanks.  Glenn.  Unfortunately,  our  winners  this  time  will  he  receiving  lOU's  for 
a  silver  round  or  bar.  Does  anyone  have  something  to  donate  for  a  prize*  All 
offers  kindly  accepted ! 

According  to  Silver  Notes,  the  monthly  newsletter  of  the  Solano  Silver  Round 
Club,  which  sends  IASAC  a  complimentary  copy  (we  reciprocate  with  a 
complimentary  Bugle),  the  Fairfield  Coin  Club  with  hold  its  1 7lh  annual  Coin  & 
Collectibles  Show  on  Sunday,  Sept  24  at  the  Fairfield  Community  Center  at  1 10 
E  Kentucky  Street  in  Fairfield,  California 

Also  on  the  agenda  in  California  is  the  7lh  annual  Educational  Symposium, 
sponsored  by  the  California  State  Numismatic  Association  This  year's  theme 
is  San  Francisco:  Earthquke,  Exonumta  and  Expositions.  It  will  be  held 
October  28  at  the  Vallejo  Naval  and  Flistorical  Museum  at  734  Marin  Street  in 
downtown  Vallejo  For  more  information,  contact  Michael  Turrini  at 
EMPERORI@juno  com 

Len  Kruithof  writes,  “I’ve  started  my  new  career  with  the  Dept  of  Homeland 
Security  here  at  the  Kona  airport  The  growth  here  is  endless  and  the  airport  is 
near  full  capacity  Plans  for  expansion  are  in  the  works,  but  then  again,  this  is 
Hawaii  -  turtles  walk  faster  than  the  plans  of  man  Hope  to  make  it  to  the 
Honolulu  show  in  November,  but  most  likely  not  Arizona  ” 

Jan  Henke  writes,  "Wow,  what  a  design  for  the  2006  IASAC  round"  Daniel 
Carr  deserves  to  be  given  our  Congratulations  for  this  beautiful  design  Hope 
everyone  enjoys  themselves  at  the  annual  IASAC  convention  will  be  thinking 
of  you  all  ” 



Jan’s  sentiments  are  echoed  by  George  Brooks,  who  says,  "I  really  like  this 
year’s  design  I  cannot  attend  the  meeting  in  Tucson,  so  please  mail  the  rounds 
to  me.” 

And  Chuck  Luce  writes,  “Excellent  design  on  the  '06  medal  We  wish  the  trip 
to  the  show  was  possible,  but  neither  of  us  is  up  to  it  yet  ” 

Rob  Bongiovanni  writes,  “I  don’t  really  like  rounds  -  I’m  more  a  bar  person  - 
but  this  one  looks  truly  beautiful!  Thank  you  -  Great  Job" 

Don  Barsi  writes,  “Here  is  an  article  for  the  next  Bugle  Still  working  on  the 
Jack  London  article  " 

.See  Don  v  or  tide  on  the  Long  Heath  Coin  Show  on  another  page  in  this  issue! 

Jerry  Arthur  writes,  "Please  find  enclosed  my  round  order  and  my  Brain 
Teaser  entry  I  really  like  the  Bugle  and  hated  to  cut  up  such  good  reading. 

Keep  up  the  good  work." 

Lee  Foley  writes,  "The  membership  address  book  is  a  very  good  idea  and  will 
come  into  good  use  I  see  that  there  are  a  few  slates  with  no  members  Maybe 
soon  we’ll  have  someone  in  every  state.” 

Alan  Robinson  emailed  with  the  highlights  of  his  recent  trip  to  the  U  S  He 
says,  ”1  thought  I  was  fit???  My  mind  has  been  changed  on  that  point,  after 
seven  different  planes,  one  helicopter  flight,  two  cruises,  a  number  of  taxi  rides 
and  approximately  2800  miles  in  a  bus  with  temperatures  starting  at  84  degrees 
in  Denver  to  over  104  in  Las  Vegas  Twenty  days  later  we  had  one  nice  day  in 
San  Francisco  at  only  76.” 

Alan's  adventure  began  in  Denver  His  tour  guide  was  Roger  Himes,  a  man 
very  dedicated  to  the  history  of  the  western  U  S  Himes  is  a  retired  lawyer  who 
also  sings  and  plays  guitar,  and  toured  in  the  60’s  with  John  Denver 
The  tour  took  Alan  thru  Denver  to  Cheyenne  and  the  Black  Hills  of  South 
Dakota  At  Custer,  Wyoming  they  had  drinks  at  the  Gold  Pan  Saloon  Alan 
says,  “It  had  six  inches  of  sawdust  on  the  floor  -  nice  to  see  some  people  try  ing 
to  keep  the  past  going  as  it  used  to  be.” 

Alan  also  saw  Mt.  Rushmore,  and  the  brawling  mining  towm  of  Deadwood 
where  Jack  McCall  murdered  Will  Bill  Hickok  during  a  poker  game  One 
night’s  stay  was  in  Buffalo  Bill's  frontier  town  of  Cody,  Wyoming 
Alan  says  of  Yellowstone  National  Park,  “You  can  not  explain  to  people  what 
you  see,  magic.”  And  the  Grand  Teton’s  are  "out  of  this  world  " 

Heading  further  west,  the  tour  took  them  thru  Salt  Lake  City  and  Bryce  &  Zion 
National  Parks  Alan  comments,  “Very  nice  to  see  mile  after  mile  of  sagebrush, 
having  seen  it  so  many  times  in  the  cowboy  films." 

Alan  took  a  helicopter  flight  into  the  Grand  Canyon  for  a  champagne  breakfast, 
invested  wisely  in  Las  Vegas  and  enjoyed  several  nights  in  San  Francisco, 
where  one  highlight  was  a  taxi  ride  up  the  street  where  Steve  McQueen  did  the 
Qmous  car  chase  in  Bullitt.  His  favorite  memory  is  of  seeing  a  mountain  lion  in 



^From  the  Editor’s  Mailbag 


the  wild,  just  14  feet  away  He  says,  “When  it  went  into  the  scrub  it  stopped  If 
you  did  not  see  where  it  went  you  would  not  notice  it,  it  blended  in  with  the 
surroundings  so  perfectly,  it’s  coat  was  exactly  the  same  colour  as  the  soil  it  was 
standing  on 

Alan  packed  a  lot  into  2  Vi  weeks  What  a  grand  adventure1 

A1  Lo  emailed  to  say,  “My  second  daughter  is  getting  married  on  August  5lh  and 
we  have  been  busy  helping  with  all  of  her  plans  I’m  sure  we’ll  survive1’’ 

Best  wishes,  and  have  a  wonderful  time  at  the  wedding  I 

Some  sad  news,  1ASAC  has  lost  a  member  of  the 
family.  Vi  Asher  passed  away  on  May  26  A 
celebration  of  her  life  was  held  on  Friday,  June  2 
Condolences  on  behalf  of  the  club  were  sent  to  Phil 
If  anyone  would  like  to  send  a  card.  I’ll  be  happy  to 
forward  it  on  to  him 


This  listing  reflects  our  entire  inventory  of  past  club  issues.  They  are 
available  with  a  limit  of  one/person  for  any  variety,  with  the  exception  of  the 
2004  round  All  orders  subject  to  prior  sale 

LAS  AC- 14 










Please  add  $4 

Pittsburgh  Convention  (round)  6  serial  #d  $32  each 

Sacrament  or  Bust  (round)  6  serial  #d  $30  each 

2  gold-plated,  serial  #d  $57  each 

Cincinnati  River  Boat  (round)  1  serial  #d  $40  each 

4  bronze,  no  serial  #  $6  50  ea 

Dalton  Convention  (round)  25  serial  #d  $22  each 

6  enameled,  serial  M  $52  each 

8  bronze,  no  serial  #  $  6  each 

St  Louis  Convention  (bar) 

5  bronze,  no  serial  #  $7  each 

postage  &  insurance  for  one  or  two  items/$6  for  three  or 


Mail  to:  P.O.  Box  28415.  Seattle  WA  98118-8415 






Brain  Teasers  is  on 
vacation  until  October 

Congratulations  to  Marion  Kendrick,  Doug  Jennings  and  Jerry  Arthur  for 

their  winning  entries  in  the  last  contest  All  three  found  ‘hiking,  sunshine  and 
beach’  repeated  twice,  as  did  many  others  All  will  receive  lOU’s  for  prizes, 
since  the  ‘kitty’  is  empty  If  you  have  anything  you'd  like  to  donate,  we’d  be 
most  appreciative' 

Thanks  to  everyone  else  who  sent  in  entries,  including  Therese  Kondis, 
Lvnnae  Clark,  Len  Kruithof,  Glenn  Perry,  Ron  Webster,  Chuck  Luce, 
Tony  Irvin,  Don  Young,  Mike  Stanley,  Jerry  G.  Hall  &  Larry  Pung. 

Back  again  in  October'! 

Should  IASAC  Issue  an  Album? 

By  Tony  Irvin,  IASAC  #572 

Is  there  any  interest  in  making  a  round  and  bar  album  for  IASAC  yearly 
issues?  New  pages  could  easily  be  added  for  future  club  issues  Of 
course,  a  lot  of  club  members  would  have  empty  spaces  in  their  IASAC 
collector  album  due  to  the  limited  mintages  each  year  It  would  be  nice 
for  me  to  bring  my  disorganized  IASAC  collection  together 
Occasionally  back  issues  do  come  up  for  sale  1  acquired  the  first  issue 
(IASAC- 1)  last  year.  Recently  1  was  able  to  purchase  IASAC-2,  the 
White  Bengal  Tiger,  a  beautiful  ammai  round.  Speaking  of  which,  the 
2006  club  issue  (Gila  monster)  is  a  MUST  HAVE  animal  round.  The 
picture  of  this  round  looks  great  1  am  sure  that  this  will  be  quick  sell¬ 
out.  (Probably  faster  than  some  IASAC  bar  issues  sell  out!) 

We  'll  do  some  chec  king  and  gel  hack  to  you,  Tony.  Is  anyone  else  interested?? 
Please  reply  to  the  dub  P.O.  Box  number.  Thanks 

For  their  current  articles  in  The  Silver  Bugle,  Don  Barsi  and  Tony 
Irvin  will  each  receive  a  2006  bronze  Oila  monster  round.  All 
contributors  to  this  year's  Bugle  will  be  similarly  rewarded ! 


f  Just  Humor  Me 

Hot  Investment  Tips  for  2006 

From  Doug  Jennings 

For  all  of  you  with  any  money  left,  be  aware  of  the  next  expected  mergers  so 
that  you  can  get  in  on  the  ground  floor  and  make  some  BIG  bucks  Watch  for 
these  consolidations  in  2006 

1)  Flale  Business  Systems,  Mary  Kay  Cosmetics,  Fuller  Brush  and  W  R 
Grace  Co  will  merge  and  become  Hale,  Mary,  Fuller,  Grace 

2)  2)  Polygram  Records,  Warner  Bros  ,  and  Zesta  Crackers  will  join 
forces  and  become  Poly,  Warner,  Cracker 

3)  3M  will  merge  with  Goodyear  and  become  MMMGood 

4)  Zippo  Manufacturing,  Audi  Motors,  Dofasco,  and  Dakota  Mining  will 
merge  and  become  ZipAudiDoDa 

5)  FedEx  is  expected  to  join  its  major  competitors,  UPS,  and  become 
Fed  UP 

6)  Fairchild  Electronics  and  Honeywell  Computers  will  become  Fairwell 

7)  Grey  Poupon  and  Docker  Pants  are  expected  to  become  Poupon  Pants 

8)  Knotts  Berry  Farm  and  the  National  Organization  of  Women  will 
become  KnottNOW1 

And  finally . 

9)  Victoria’s  Secret  and  Smith  and  Wesson  will  merge  under  the 
new  name  Titty  Titty  Bang  Bang 

One  Question  IQ  Test 

From  Bob  Brown 

Here’s  a  one-question  IQ  Test  to  help  you  decide  how  you  should  spend  the  rest 
of  your  day 

There  is  a  mute  who  wants  to  buy  a  toothbrush  By  imitating  the  action  of 
brushing  one’ s  teeth,  he  successfully  expesses  himself  to  the  shopkeeper  and  the 
purchase  is  done 

Now,  if  there  is  a  blind  man  who  wishes  to  buy  a  pair  of  sunglasses,  how  should 
he  express  himself?  Think  about  it  first  before  scrolling  down  for  the  answer 

He  opens  his  mouth  and  says,  “I  would  like  to  buy  a  pair  of  sunglasses 
\Jf  you  got  this  wrong  -  please  call  it  a  day 


What  Do  You  Do  All  Day?  • 

From  Jean  Luce 

A  man  came  home  from  work  and  found  his  three  children  outside,  still  in  their 
pajamas,  playing  in  the  mud,  with  empty  food  boxes  and  wrappers  strewn  all 
around  the  front  yard 

The  door  of  his  wife’s  car  was  open,  as  was  the  front  door  to  the  house,  and 
there  was  no  sign  of  the  dog  Proceeding  into  the  entry,  he  found  an  even  bigger 
mess  A  lamp  had  been  knocked  over,  and  the  throw  rug  was  wadded  against 
one  wall 

In  the  front  room  the  TV  was  loudly  blaring  a  cartoon  channel,  and  the  family 
room  was  strewn  with  toys  and  various  items  of  clothing 

In  the  kitchen,  dishes  filled  the  sink,  breakfast  food  was  spilled  on  the  counter, 
the  fridge  door  was  open  wide,  dog  food  was  spilled  on  the  floor,  a  broken  glass 
lay  under  the  table,  and  a  small  pile  of  sand  was  spread  by  the  back  door 

He  quickly  headed  up  the  stairs,  stepping  over  toys  and  more  piles  of  clothes, 
looking  for  his  wife  He  was  worried  she  might  be  ill,  or  that  something  serious 
had  happened 

He  was  met  with  a  small  trickle  of  water  as  it  made  its  way  out  the  bathroom 

As  he  peered  inside  he  found  wet  towels,  scummy  soap  and  more  toys  strewn 
over  the  floor  Miles  of  toilet  paper  lay  in  a  heap  and  toothpaste  had  been 
smeared  over  the  mirror  and  walls 

As  he  rushed  to  the  bedroom,  he  found  his  wife  still  curled  up  in  the  bed  in  her 
pajamas,  reading  a  novel  She  looked  up  at  him,  smiled  and  asked  how  his  day 
went  He  looked  at  her  bewildered  and  asked,  “What  happened  here  today7” 

She  again  smiled  and  answered,  “You  know  every  day  when  you  come  home 
from  work  and  you  ask  me  what  in  the  world 

“Yes,"  was  his  incredulous  reply 

She  answered,  “Well,  today  I  didn’t  do  it.” 

I  do  all  day?” 


^Classified  Ads  ^ 

Rare  Silver  Bars  -  Want  a  free  price  list9  Write  Ray  Anthony,  P  O  Box 
10365,  Portland  OR  97296.  (503  >-226-2226  IASAC  #  469  _ 

Paying  S300  for  WWM-108  Mt  Hood  75th  Anniversary  Coca-Cola  silver 
ingot  Larry  Cannon,  4330  Oakwood  Rd  #1,  Oakwood  GA  30566  (770)536- 
4425 _ 

HELP!  Still  need  HAM-554G,  Montana,  to  complete  my  set  Name  your 
price  Will  consider  silver  bar  Write  Bryant,  3842  Dunhaven,  Dallas  TX 
75220  Thanks' _ 

1974  First  annual  Wildlife  Tree  by  Mount  Everest  Mint  Six  999  proof,  1  oz 
silver  bars  depicting  6  creatures  on  one  tree,  in  box  with  slipcover,  tarnished 
around  edges  All  with  identical  serial  number  001971  Best  offer  -  $200 
minimum  plus  postage  Louis  Veskma  Phone  (71 2)-843-5565 _ 

Write  or  Email  for  nty  bars/rounds  catalog  -  $2  Huge  website  Ken  Potter,  Box  760232,  Lathrup  Village  Ml  48076  Phone 
(313)255-8907. _ _ 

Highly  collectible,  long  out-of-print  Is*  Edition  Guidebooks  (2)  for  sale,  mint 
condition  $35  each  +  $5  shipping  Stephanie  O'Neil,  3220  Cypress  St , 

Metairie  LA  70001  jeepgirl03@cox  net _ _ 

ADVERTISING  DEADLINE  for  the  next  issue  of  The  Silver  Bugle  is  Sept 
10,2006  Send  your  ad  to  P  O  Box  28415,  Seattle  W  A  981 18 _ 

Only  two  left!!  Silversword  Productions 
new  commercial  ingot  for  Mulvanny  G2 
architects  Limited  issue  of  100  999 
proof  silver  and  25  enameled  silver 
Each  series  separately  serial-numbered 
Only  10  of  each  were  sold  to  the  public 
Silver  #10  and  enameled  #10  available, 

$25  and  $35  each.  Please  add  $4  postage 
&  insurance  P  O  Box  28415,  Seattle  WA 

98118  Email: _ 

Send  your  FREE  classified  ad  One  25-word  ad/year  is  a  benefit  of 
membership  in  IASAC 

In  case  of  questions,  my  phone  #/email  _ . _ _ 

V _ _ _ _ _ ) 



Established,  19S5 

ARCHIE  KIDD  -  Erlanger,  KY  -  President 
HARVEY  CHEW  -  Seattle,  WA  -  Vice  President 
NANCY  YEE  -  Seattle.  WA  -  Secretary-Treasurer 
STEPHANIE  O'NEIL  -  Metairie.  LA  -  Historian 

MICHELLE  BURKE  -  Los  Angeles,  CA  TOM  CLARK  -  Elmira.  NY 

PATTI  F1NNER  -  Iola,  WI  DOUG  JENNINGS  -  Petersburg,  MI 

WALTER  THOMAS  -  Caledonia.  WI 


ADVERTISING  RATES  for  camera  ready  Display  ads  and  Classified  word  ads  are: 
FuIlPage-$25  (Non-Profit  Club  Rate -$  1 5)  HaIfPage-$15  Quarter  Page  -  $10 
Classified  Ad  -  lOcAvord 

The  IASAC  newsletter,  "The  Silver  Bugle”  is  published  six  times  /  year  in  February, 
April.  June,  August.  October  &  December.  Members  receive  one  FREE  25  word  classified 
ad  with  new  membership  and  ON  TIME  renew  al,  redeemable  at  any  lime  during  the  year. 

Send  all  advertisements,  with  payment,  to  the  Editor  at: 

P.O.  Box  28415,  Seattle,  WA  98118 

International  Association  of  Silver  Art  Collectors 
The  International  Association  of  Silver  Art  Collectors  (IASAC),  established  in  1985. 
is  dedicated  to  the  silver  round  and  art  bar  hobbyist,  collector,  dealer  and  producer.  All 
persons  interested  in  this  unique  hobby  are  invited  to  join.  The  club  regularly  publishes  its 
newsletter,  "The  Silver  Bugle,’  providing  some  of  the  most  interesting  reading  for  you,  the 
member  Not  only  do  you  receive  advance  notice  of  new  rounds  and  bars,  you  may  also  take 
advantage  of  specials  offered  by  the  many  IASAC  member-dealers.  We  also  produce  limited 
edition  silvei  bars  and  rounds  for  our  members,  and  feature  special  contests  for  prizes.  Isn't 
it  time  for  you  to  take  advantage  of  the  benefits  available  as  a  member  of  the  IASAC? 

Yes.  1  would  like  to  join  the  largest  Silver  Art  Club  in  the  world.  Please  enroll  me  as 
a  member  of  IASAC. 

Please  Print 

NAME: _ 


CITY: _ STATE: _ ZIP: _ 




E-MAIL: _ 

Mail  to:  IASAC  Secretary-Treasurer,  P.O  Box  28415,  Seattle.  WA  98118 
By  accepting  membership  in  the  International  Association  of  Silver  Art  Collectors,  I  agree  to  abide 
by  lhe  Bylaws  of  the  IASAC  and  to  act  with  integrity  in  all  business  transactions  Dues  arc  $20  for  the 
^rst  year,  renewals  are  $IS/yr  International  rates  are  $50  for  the  first  year,  renewals  arc  $2(Vyear  J